Monday, December 8, 2008

WEB 2.0 Activity

As I was trying to come up with a good "WEB 2.0" activity, I was going to make a nice powerpoint and worksheet. But that is so 2004.

So this is what I came up with instead.

First, Check this video out:

Then, in a few paragraphs, address each of the following questions:

1) Based on the video you watched, how would YOU define "web 2.0"? If you are still not so sure about it, you can google "web 2.0" and you will find many different definitions. But, please try to explain in your own words, rather than regurgitating some web definition.

2) How do you use web 2.0 technology in your life, both personal and academic?

3) Finally, please read each others discussions. If you'd like you can respond to each others posts.

4) Read and reply to other blog entries as you see fit.




pauseplay92 said...
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pauseplay92 said...

nirvash that dylan?

skrueger said...
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tp318 said...

yea....web 2.0 is cool i learned alot from that excellent video.

TSkiddy said...

I saw this at an entrepreneurship tour at LEC and the whole seminar thingy was really cool and all of this stuff in the video is true.

skrueger said...

This video was very good and really interesting. I learned a lot.

shon said...
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melia said...
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Melisa said...

It is a very good video and very informative.

shon said...

Yea I enjoyed the video lots of cool facts and information i'd giv it a 8.5 out of 10 ya dig!

melia said...

i think the video did a good job explaining how the web is changing

tp318 said...
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tp318 said...
go to my blog its cool

tjwashur94 said...
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tjwashur94 said...

I found the video very informative, and creative with a sort nerdy enthusiasm. Two thumbs way up!