Thursday, December 11, 2008

Blog Etiquette

Read this blog entry - he says pretty much all there is to say about blogging etiquette.

Assignment for 12-12:

Define Etiquette and cite three examples of etiquette related to technology.

Create your own blog and make at least two, well thought-out entries. (Due Tuesday, Dec. 16th)


Mr. Patty said...

Some extra hints for you...

Mr. Patty said...

this is test of my new recent comments gadget...

pauseplay92 said...

etiquette-to me etiquette is showing respect and making sure following some unwritten rules...

three examples of etiquette in blogging are:
1.Show your love, if you like a blog comment let the blogger know so they can feel appreciated
2.Be sweet and to the point when writing a blog...Don't ramble on
3.Be random, don't always blog about the same thing

("O'Doyle rules!")

stick_man #1 said...

Etiquette is the behavior of people that is expected by society.

Three examples of technology etiquette would be having good manners while texting, blogging and sending an email.

Jesus said...

Etiquette means to be respectable when you blog about something.

Three exaples are texting, bloging and email.

skrueger said...

Etiquette is showing respect and using behavior that is expected by sociey.

Three examples of etiquette related to techonology are to show that you enjoyed the blog by leaving a comment, do not type a blog as a comment (be sweet and to the point), and to not always blog about the same things (mix it up a little).

TSkiddy said...

To me, etiquette is having respect for yourself and most importantly the people reading your blogs.

1.)Comment on a blog that you enjoyed reading. The writer of the blog likes to know that someone actually cares.
2.)Post regularly. Dont post once every day for a week and then go three weeks without posting.
3.)Dont use slang or run on sentences. It gets annoying for the reader.

JSeidel12 said...

What etiquette means to me is showing respect to you and the people around you.

Three examples of etiquette is texting, blogging, and email.

Anonymous said...

Etiquette is having respect for yourself as well as the others on the internet. Treat others how you would like to be treated.


1.)Comment on other people's blogs. They like to know that they're not being ingonred.

2.)NO HARSH/VULGAR LANGUAGE. Act and speak as you would in person. Nobody throws F-bombs every 2 seconds in person (some people do, and it's sad) so don't do it in a blog.

3.)Try to keep up with your blog. Some people might follow it because it's interesting. You don't just wanna leave them waiting forever.