Thursday, December 11, 2008

Blog Guidelines / Rules

Before we get too much further into blogging, there are some things that we need to talk about.

We need to set some guidelines so that we can continue to use this as an instructional tool without any hassle from me, your parents, the administrators or the school district.

I have three rules that I would like to start with:

1) This is an educational blog, not a personal one. Please keep it professional. That doesn't mean it has to be boring, but that does mean that we don't talk about what we are doing on a Saturday night. (Besides, you guys already have your myspaces, facebooks, etc. for that.)

2) Pls dnt use txting lngwige. W R nt txting, so use crct englsh. An LOL here or there is fine, but studies have show that the use of blogging as an educational tool can increase proficiency in writing.

3) Develop your thoughts. When asked to comment on a blog as an assignment, don't just say 'Yeah dude, that rocks'. Take time to develop your thoughts. Try to contribute something new. Do some additional research. Add an anecdotal experience.

Other than that, there are some common sense things I would like for us to develop together.

Assignment for Thursday 12-11:

1) Review the following web sites to look over other teachers' blogging "rules" and other articles related to blogging.

2) What are at least two rules for blogging that we should adopt?

3) Should I have posted the picture of my brother's truck even though that has nothing to do with our class? Isn't that a personal thing rather than a professional thing?


futuremzwarren said...

I think posting your brothers truck was more informal than personal because it was just trying to show that seatbelts really do help alot.

pauseplay92 said...

two rules we should adopt would be make sure your words are used right, and that we do not use offensive words...
And about your brothers truck, a blog is about what you want to say, so if you want to talk about your brother than do it.

futuremzwarren said...

Two rules we should add on too our rules is to not put our personal inforamtion such as addresses or phone numbers because anybody can read these. We should also make sure we don't say things that could offend anyone. That's very important

beasly704 said...

I think posting about your brother's truck was ok because you used it to teach about blogging. Also the two most important rules would be not giving out personal information and not using foul language about the post or other people's comments.

misskay. said...

One rule we should adopt are to make sure you're getting your points and ideas across but you're still respecting other people. And another is that we should practice caution when posting things about ourselves, stay away from real personal information.

The blog about your brother's truck may be personal, but you're trying to bring about a conversation and ask about your students opinions on seatbelts and safety, therefore it's still school related.

stick_man #1 said...

Two rules that we should adpot about blogging would be to keep our bloggs from offending anyone and to always write about factual information.

I think that the blog about your brother's truck was a little personal but it is also teaching people that they have to be careful when driving and to always wear a seatbelt.

Jesus said...

I think we should adopt these rules: Dont be offensive to anyone and dont write about anyone without there permission.

Your brothers truck was a little personal but it was about seatbelts.

Anonymous said...

We should probably adopt the trait of backing up what we post in blogs. It helps out a lot. A lot of people would take you seriously. Another trait we should adopt is watching what you type. Some people like to let go and just say whatever they want. They disregard what people might think about their bad language. Keeping it clean is important. Makes you look much more mature.

I think it's ok to post something personal every once in a while as long as it's not too personal. Blogs aren't just for professionals. You can have a little fun too. The whole point of blogs is sharing what you know and what you think.

Ukryu said...

Two rules that we should adopt are using proper English and not using vulgar language.

You can look at your post about your brother's truck from both sides. On one side, it wasn't necessarily educational. On the other side, it's not like you posted about how "like z0mg strday was like ttly 1337 dudez" or some other small event like that; your brother could have been hurt. My personal opinion is that it was okay to post it.

skrueger said...

Two great rules to adopt are the watch your language and stay appropriate. It's important that we do not hurt anyone's feeling or beliefs when we blog. Another good rule is to make sure we do not put on personal information because in today's world anyone can access your information and it becomes unsafe.

I think the blog about your brother's truck could be considered inappropriate but it was used to bring up a discussion about safety and show kids how dangerous things can be. It allows students to see that people aren't invincible.

TSkiddy said...

I believe that the two rules that we need are:
1.)Dont use anyone's full name
2.)Dont offend anyone with your posts

Melisa said...

Two rules for blogging that we should adopt will be not to use offensive language against anyone or anything, and no revealing your personal information.

I think posting your brothers truck
was a good idea because it covers how important is to wear a seat belt and that you never know when you might have a car accident and wearing your seat belt can save yout life.

MSPIKES30 said...

1.) no language prophanity is acceptable,use proper grammer

2.) dont use anyones full name without parental confirmation also dont use people's names in or as bad comments

MSPIKES30 said...

also i think your brothers truck was acceptable to post because its not showing or telling anything about him on the internet because he didnt mention his name it was just a picture about a thing that had happened in his life, so yes i think it was ok to post that picture


5. Never disrespect someone else in your blog, whether it's a person, an organization, or just a general idea. You don't want someone making a stab at what you are passionate about; don't do it to someone else.


7. Watch your language! We're not at home, we are at school, this has to be at least remotely professional looking.

Juan50 said...

Two rules that i believe should be added onto the rules are that if your writing your opinion on something make sure its not offensive to anybody.
Also, make sure you have good spelling and proper grammar.

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